$7-Million Grant To Support CARIFTA Swimmers

The Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport will be providing monetary support for Jamaica’s delegation heading to the CARIFTA Swimming Championships in Barbados, April 16 to April 20.

“I have begun to deliver on my commitment to provide a grant of $7 million to support Jamaica’s delegation to the CARIFTA Swim Meet and… [approximately] $4 million has been paid to the Barbados Aquatics Sports Association through the Sport Development Foundation on behalf of the Ministry,” Portfolio Minister, Hon. Olivia Grange said.

She made the announcement during the handover of laptops to students of Guy’s Hill High School by Jamaica Anti-doping Commission (JADCO) at the Commission’s Ballater Avenue offices in St. Andrew on Thursday (April 7).

Ms. Grange indicated that the funds to offset expenses will be disbursed directly to the suppliers.

She noted that the money will cover accommodation as well as the balance to the Barbados Association. “The funds that I indicated earlier that were paid out, this represents the cost for accommodation, entry fees, transportation and hydration and it’s the balance on the invoice from the Barbados Association … [after] the 20 per cent deposit paid,” she said.

Ms. Grange said the CARIFTA swimming championships have provided great exposure for the country’s swimmers aiming to represent Jamaica at a higher level.

She added that it is important that the swimmers and coaches be given the opportunity to focus on their preparation to participate in the championships.

“Next month, we host CARIFTA games here and so, both the CARIFTA swimming organisation activities as well as the games here, we are ensuring that we support them. We wish them all the best as we complete their preparation and sharpen their skills,” she said.

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Meanwhile, the minister reiterated the Government’s commitment to supporting all sporting disciplines in the country.

She said JADCO continues to work assiduously in its mission to foster a dope-free environment, promoting the ethics and spirit of sport through education, testing, advocacy and coordination of an effective anti-doping programme.

“JADCO is ensuring that clean sports continue to be the hallmark of the Jamaican athletes,” she said.

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