Caribbean countries to seek $33 trillion in slavery reparations

Caribbean countries are set to make a bold move by seeking a staggering $33 trillion in slavery reparations from various European nations. This demand comes as part of an effort to secure a formal apology and financial settlement for the role these countries played in the transatlantic slave trade.

Led by Caricom, a political and economic union consisting of 15 Caribbean nations, a ten-point plan has been established to negotiate a fair financial settlement with countries such as the United Kingdom, France, and Denmark. This process aims to achieve “international reconciliation” in the face of a dark history.

Caricom emphasizes the enormity of the crime that was committed and the corresponding responsibility of these nations. The union sees the $33 trillion figure as a necessary starting point for negotiations. This sizable demand reflects the depth of the atrocities endured by those who suffered under slavery’s brutal grip.

While some governments have published mere statements of regret, Caricom is pushing for a full apology that acknowledges the magnitude of the pain and suffering inflicted by the transatlantic slave trade.

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