Christmas in JA


By Joan Wilson

Christmas Tree Lighting

Now here is an activity that Jamaicans will never get tired of! It is the norm to see mature folks, teenagers, and children sharing the same excitement and joy at the traditional Christmas Tree lighting celebration.

Some communities carry out this activity with a lot of fanfare—marching bands, grand concert and big celebration! It’s hard not to be caught up in the festive spirit of the season.

The tree lighting is often done two weeks before Christmas, and it involves the ‘switching on’ of the lights on the Christmas tree and then the fireworks.

In capital towns and cities across Jamaica, Councils organise Christmas Tree Lighting events. This tradition involves lighting up of giant trees or tree-shaped structures in town/city squares that have been beautifully decorated. This is sometimes accompanied by the singing of carols, delivery of Christmas messages from Local Government officials, and the distribution of gifts.

There you have it—whether it is a local government orchestrated or community organized—there is nothing like enjoying the experience in Jamrock!

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