As the yuletide season unfolds, Dr. Michelle Richards also known as Dr. Michelle E has made her official return to television with ‘The MichRich Show’. Debuted on December 25th (Christmas Day) via GetVisioned TV (getvisionedtv.com), the inaugural season features several noted personalities from Corporate America, Politics and Sports, including The United Way, Child Net alongside one of the most accomplished sports superstars out of the NFL. Special attention was also given to our frontline workers who continue to keep us safe amid the current crisis. Serving up some entertaining and informative scoop, host Dr. Michelle E says, the show will be aired weekly (Mondays at 7 pm) and is geared towards a family audience.
“Being the first season of the show, we are amping things up a notch. Firstly, let me say, it’s a family-oriented program therefore, everyone can watch. Prepare to laugh and cry because some of the episodes are quite compelling. I’m hopeful the audience will appreciate what we are bringing to the table starting Christmas Day.” – she intimated.
This also marks not just her return to media but also a rebranding exercise for her company with its plethora of offerings. What is ‘The MichRich Show’ you may ask? It is a thirty-minutes solution-oriented showcase tackling some of the most topical and pertinent issues affecting the diaspora of South Florida. Shot in the suburbs of Coral Springs the show will also be heavily driven by social media platforms such as Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook as part of the new format and thrust to broaden the audience scope.
Known for her vivacious personality and colorful ensemble Dr. Michelle E is not just an interesting character but also an evangelist, mortgage expert, former banker, and consummate philanthropist, who continues to scribe her name in the annals of kindness for her benevolent efforts. Some of her most recent work involves shipping relief supplies to disaster and economically challenged countries throughout the Caribbean, Central and South American regions including her homeland Jamaica.