Cops hunt gunmen after daring daylight robbery caught on video

CLARENDON, Jamaica – The three males who robbed a store in broad daylight in Spaldings, Clarendon, on Monday are still at large, according to the police. Two little children were walking among the gunmen when the dramatic occurrence, which was captured on camera and has since gone viral, took place. Among the items taken during the robbery were three cell phones and $400,000 in cash. 

Two of the three males were carrying firearms, and the police claim they were attempting to identify them. In the video, the three men entered the store one after the other before one of them produced a gun and ordered the other two men—among them a security guard—to one side. 

A second of the individuals, who was wearing an orange shirt, also produced a weapon. Despite the gunman’s best efforts to stop her at the entryway, a young girl using a cell phone left the business. As the men went on to rob the store, she stood outside and peered up the street. 

Another of the gunmen stopped a toddler who was approaching the entryway and directed him away. They resumed their heist as that child stood among them. 

The cashier spun around when the gunmen were spotted and held her hands up. A woman walked in to check out some products and placed them on the counter, but she was unable to cash the check. 

Cops hunt gunmen after daring daylight robbery caught on video

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