St Andrew West Rural MP gets support from Twitter follower

Brandon Hill Main road has come on the radar by St Andrew West Rural member of Parliament Juliet Cuthbert Flynn as she reflected on an incident that took place almost three years ago.

Sharing that memory on Twitter she wrote: 

The Brandon Hill main road is getting some well needed attention. I am committed to serve the people of StAndrewWestRural. I was pushed in the chest by a PNP male supporter in 2018 in the area.

He felt that a wall that was being built wasn’t due to my lobbying but another MP. That didn’t scare me as I am committed to my country. I continue my work to lobby for all.”

The MP needn’t have worried because a Twitter follow showed her back was covered with the rapid response:

“Suh how yuh jus a tell mi? Mi nuh wah nuhbady hurt mi Parishmate enuh!! Continue the work you have more supporters than detractors.”

Oh boy what can we say, never a dull moment on the political landscape in Jamaica.

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